Although there are no written records of the church before July 9, 1904, the following is an account of what is believed to have transpired before July 9, 1904.
The Green Valley Missionary Baptist Church (later became affiliated with the Southern Baptist Association) was organized in the Green Valley School House on February 2, 1896, by Elder J.E. Webb and assisted by J.C. Harper. The charter members were E.H. Wilson, Harrison Rippee, Julia A. Rippee, Laura Moore, William Moore, and Mamie (Belt) Moore.
On August 8, 1913, a building committee consisting of T.C. Wilson, F.P. Garner, Wm. Rippee, W.H. Mansker, and E.H. Wilson was appointed to "decide upon a location and over see the construction of the house". According to local history, it was decided to build a new church that day and construction began the next morning.
The church met on December 20, 1913, and voted unanimously to "move the Green Valley Church from the school house to the new church house". The church was then moved to the present site. According to local history, the new church was completed, with the exception of painting the inside. Apparently, the Green Valley School had been used for nearly 17 year as a place of worship, although there are reports that the worshippers met in a log cabin before they moved to the school. The new building was reported to have cost $218.52, with all labor donated.
On April 10, 1978, the worshippers decided to build a new building and remove the old building, upon completion of the new. The basement was poured in December of 1978. The worshippers moved into the new building in April of 1981, and then tore the old building down on April 28, 1981.
From October 1990 to March 1991, the church was without a pastor, but was fortunate to have Rev. Darrell Oliphant, Rev. Don Martin, Rev. Dan Nichols, Rev, Bob Wakefield, and Rev. Newlin O. Scott among it's active members. These members filled the pulpit until another pastor was elected.
The current church building was dedicated on January 18, 1996.
Many times it has seemed that the church would not be able to continue as the congregation was often small, and the financial status was often lacking, but the Lord has seen fit to call ministers and others from this church to serve Him elsewhere, thereby allowing the influence of this church to be spread world-wide. We would like to thank the Lord for his blessings on this church.