The ministry of collecting pop can tabs is an ongoing project of the Titus 2 Women's Group. There is a jar in the foyer in which pop can tabs can be placed. When the jar is full, it is emptied and taken to the Ronald McDonald Charities House in Springfield. The RMCH recycles the tabs and uses the funds to directly help the families at the Ronald McDonald House.
The Ronald McDonald House, provides a “home-away-from-home” for families of seriously ill and injured children receiving medical treatment in Springfield, MO. There are currently two houses in Springfield, one serving the families of children who are in Cox South Hospital and one serving the families of the children in Mercy Hospital.
Fun Pop Tab Facts
Common Measurement Equivalents
1 inch = 1 Pop Tab
1 foot = 12 Pop Tabs
1 meter = 40 Pop Tabs
1 kilometer = 40,000 Pop Tabs
1 mile = 63,360 Pop Tabs
1,472 Pop Tabs = 1 pound